320 Km 12 STAGES (APRIL-MAY 2019)
5 - LA MESA – CASTRO 24km 05H00
Quick little step, I go alone and catch up with a group of Portuguese, the rain makes its appearance,
she will be present all day, I arrive alone, ideal for eating, washing and recovering.
The Portuguese Group
Embalse de GRANDAS de SALIME and its dam whose construction has ended
in the 1950s by the engulfment of many villages.
Grandas de Saline dam
Dagmar is at the appointment later as well as a surprise appearance in the same room by German no1,
Fate does things right, Dagmar meets a German for the first time.
Subsequently, the young Czech cross arrives at the hospital separated from her mother for lack of room at the hostel.
It's cold, the reception of the 2nd owner is freezing like the rooms, no heating!
Evening meal with another Portuguese that I would meet in Lugo, we had the right to a beautiful Arc En Ciel.
Residencia Juvenil de Castro